Throughout your undergrad program you will be using certain applications or tools and might not quite understand what they are. This is my attempt to help bridge that gap!
A virtual machine is a computer file, typically called an image, that behaves like a real computer. What this means is that it will act and look like a real computer. You will be able to run applications on it as if it were your machine. However, it has a separate memory so what you do in your VM it is not saved in your computer's memory.
No. There are different types of virtual machines: a system virtual machine and a process virtual machine.
System virtual machines which are like substitutes for an entire computer. You can execute entire operating systems on this type. While process virtual machines are designed to execute computer programs in an independent environment.
In a particular VM, the guest OS is stored on a virtual hard drive—a big, multi-gigabyte file stored on your real hard drive.
VPN stands for virtual private network and It allows you to connect to a private network by extending it over a public network
When using a VPN your data gets encrypted and sent to the VPN server
and then it gets forwarded to your online “destination”.
VPNs forward your network traffic to the network you would like to be connected to. This can allow you use certain benefits you might not have access to e.g. JMU Resources.